Facial and Animal Reflexology

Posted on: July 5th, 2016 by Dale Wombwell

RTE(Reflexology Training Essentials) with the support of GRRA(Grand River Reflexology Associates) was able to bring from France – Dr. Marie-France Muller to the KW area to present Facial and Animal Reflexology courses.

I had used her book – Facial Reflexology – A self-Care Manual for ten years but having Dr. Marie-France teach the techniques brought the knowledge to a whole new level. She taught us how to think through a situation ourselves and develop a treatment plan.

For the Animal Reflexology part of the workshop we built on the facial knowledge and learned to do spinal work on the animals. Both aspects of the workshop were amazing and the feedback from the participants was glowing. We are hoping Dr. Marie-France Muller will return next year.


It is my hope that RTE will be able to offer many more specialized workshops of this caliber.  Thanks D.

4 Responses

  1. I am really interested in this course.

  2. kelly dolson says:

    Hello, Do you teach animal reflexology? Kelly

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